Young Researchers
At a time when most universities or educational centers are closed to the public and employment prospects for young people are increasingly bleak, members of the IAMP scientific committee considered that the celebration of this congress is of even greater importance particularly for young researchers, during these difficult times.
As the main objective of this international congress is to share the state of the art in mathematical physics and to encourage interaction between experts in these different fields, the participation of young researchers is of great importance.
Attending this type of event for a young scientist is not always easy because it implies committing a significant amount of money to cover registration, travel and accommodation on site. SwissMAP is committed to contribute by offering grants to as many young researchers a possible, in order to enable them to attend.
The amount for contribution is open and for more information please contact the ICMP Team icmp2021@unige.ch
Supporting Women in Science
On Friday 6th August, the traditional ICMP Human Rights Session will for the first time be completely dedicated to women in science, particularly in the field of mathematics and physics. The aim of the session will be to share an experience and to discuss the efficiency of predefined measures used in the past to increase the number of women in science and specifically women in mathematics and physics.
The amount for contribution is open and for more information please contact the ICMP Team icmp2021@unige.ch