Welcome & Opening Ceremony

Benjamin Schlein (Co-Chair of Local Organizing Commitee, UZH)

Mauro Poggia (Council of State of Geneva - Vice President)

Dean. Prof. Jérôme Lacour (Faculty of Sciences, UNIGE)

Anton Alekseev (Co-Chair of Local Organizing Commitee, UNIGE)

Bruno Nachtergaele (President of the IAMP)

Elise Raphael (SwissMAP Science Officer, UNIGE)

Plenary Speakers Onsite

Viviane Baladi (CNRS, LPSM, Paris)

Thierry Bodineau (Ecole Polytechnique, I.P. Paris)

Wojciech De Roeck (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)

Hugo Duminil-Copin (IHES; UNIGE)

Peter Hintz (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Jeremie Szeftel (CNRS & Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Sorbonne Université)

Thomas Vidick (California Institute of Technology)
Public Lecture

Michel Mayor (UNIGE)
Awards Onsite

Demetrios Christodoulou (ETH Zurich)

Jan Phillip Solovej (University of Copenhagen)

Amol Aggarwal (Columbia University)

Stefanos Aretakis (University of Toronto)

Chiara Saffirio (University of Basel)
Human Rights Sessions

Poster Sessions & Exhibitors
