Summer School on Current Topics in Mathematical Physics
This event is a satellite meeting of the International Congress of Mathematical Physics (CICG Geneva, August 2-7) and will take place just ahead of the Young Researchers Symposium (University of Geneva, July 29-31).
Dates & Venue
19-23 July 2021
University of Zurich (Irchel Campus, Room Y03G85)
Andreas Deuchert (Universität Zurich)
Christian Hainzl (Universität Tübingen)
Benjamin Schlein (Universität Zurich)
Robert Seiringer (IST Austria)
Deadline for applications
30 April 2021 - for financial support
Main Speakers
Yoshiko Ogata (University of Tokyo)
Marcello Porta (SISSA, Trieste)
Vincent Tassion (ETH Zurich)
Stefan Teufel (Universität Tübingen)
Registration & Financial Support
If you wish to participate to this event, please visit the Summer School website.
Applications for some financial support is also available for junior participants.
For questions, please email