Abstract Submission


Organizers of the conference welcome online submissions written in English language. The Scientific Committee will review all abstracts submitted and notice for acceptance will be sent to the corresponding author in April 2021.

Please note that abstract submission portal is now closed. Should you have any question regarding abstract submissions, please contact the ICMP secretariat.

  • Abstract should not exceed 700 words and it must clearly indicate the problem, objectives, research methods, results and conclusions. It cannot contain figures and tables
  • Please take note that only online submissions, thus filling in the Abstract Submission Form, will be accepted and all abstracts sent by email, fax or post will not be considered
  • The title should be short and informative, with a maximum length of two lines.
  • The body of your abstract should have minimum 50 characters

Please note: Authors of the submitted abstracts for presentation must also make separate registration for the conference.